Easter Surprise

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

Here's a surprise that I noticed this week.

I have been looking for a Majestic rocket ever since Hobby Lobby stopped carrying them.  And eventually, I found a used one for sale very reasonably on Facebook Marketplace.  It was missing launch lugs and needed a little TLC, but basically, it was all there.

So, I've kept my eye open, and recently I spotted this as well...

It's an add for a brand new Majestic kit for $59.77 from a seller someplace.  Wow!  That's amazing that they are still available in a new kit form.

However, elsewhere in the same search of Facebook Marketplace, I spotted this listing...

It's ANOTHER used Majestic rocket, COMPLETELY ASSEMBLED, but part of a group of 6 rockets for only $80.  

And elsewhere, ANOTHER used majestic rocket assembled for $10.   But here's the kicker. It's available in the same small rural farm community that I found the first used Majestic in.

What are the odds of that happening?

I'm betting that there's a rocket fanatic in that community that has frequented Hobby Lobby, and when he lost his first rocket, he went out and bought another.  He's enjoyed the rocket so much, that he's invested once again.  And perhaps the winds in that farm community where the land is flat and open, have carried both of them away.

Which would you choose?   A $59.77 kit... or the assembled used one for only $10?

This has been the Thrifty Rocketeer wishing you happy Easter and keep those shiny purple rockets flying!


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