The Majestic Challenge

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

So, several years ago, Estes introduced a new silver coated rocket to Hobby Lobby as part of their pro-line.  That is, I think that's where it was positioned.  I'm not sure, 'cause I never bought one.  

I took a look at the silver foil body tube, and the plastic fins, and thought, "nope, not for me."

I've since rethought that and come to regret my decision.  When I saw one fly in the bright sunshine and the highly reflective foil rocket,  I knew I wanted one.

I began calling around the Hobby Lobby stores in my state, asking if they had one in stock.  No, not a one was to be had anywhere.

I sighed and gave up, assuming that I would never have one.

Until today.

I was fiddling around and saw a couple of listings for old, used rockets, none of which were floating my boat.  But one had a silvery purple finish to it.  I sat up and took notice.

It turns out it was a completely assembled "Majestic" that someone had cleaned out of a rental house.  It was left in a closet, and the landlord was trying to sell it off.  As near as he could tell, it was all there, with an F15 motor still inserted, but not launched.

The price was right... only ten bucks, for everything, motor included.

There was no listing for shipping, but I guessed Hazmat would drive the price of the rocket out of my hands.

Then I messaged the seller and learned that the motor was stuck inside the base, with a screw on retainer still in place.  A little encouragement, and he got it out intact, and confirmed that it did not look burnt or expended at all.  He thought a little moisture might have made it swell and lodge inside.

Then he hit me with the shipping price, estimated to be $15.   I sighed, as it was more than the rocket was going for.

I told him that I'd think on it and get back to him.  He chided me that the rocket goes for like $50 new, and that $15 wasn't out of the realm of normal.   I told him to sell it if he could, but that I would mull over other ways to get the rocket.

I had his city, so I could find it on a map.  It was inside my state of residence, but on the other end of a very long highway.  Mapblast estimated the drive to be 3 hours one way.  With my car's 10 gallon tank and millage, that translates to a $30 round trip to refill the tank, not including meals going or coming home.

So, how badly did I want this rocket?

What shape is it really in?

Has the motor swollen so badly that it is untrustworthy?

Will it even fire?

And when will I get to launch it?

I'm weighing all these factors when it hits me.  The seller is willing to ship it to me for $15 and make a $10 profit.  That's a $25 expenditure for a rocket (and motor) that I had passed on.  It occurs to me that shipping it, at his risk, is the best option for me.

So now I have to wait for payday.

Is it worth it....

This has been the Thrifty Rocketeer weighing options in my mind.


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