Tally Ho!

The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

So, it's hard to believe that we're now 130 blog entries in...over the last two years.
And while I've tried to post once a week, sometimes that's a bit off.  But I began to wonder, what was the posting that inspired the most responses....that is, what's the highest number of comments that I got on any one blog post.

I was beginning to count them up, when it occurred to me that I could/should be check the number of views that I have received, as a more accurate indicator of interest.  And I discovered something very curious when doing that count.

First, every post gets about two dozen views.
So I started limiting my count to those that fall above, say, 40 views.  I'll share those topics or titles below.
But I also noticed a clear trend, that the blog posts with the absolute zenith of view are those that deal with tools and supplies.  I suspect the highest one comes up because it is the first one that results after a google search for some reason.  But I can't control that. I can control a clever title and illustrative picture.

So here are some of the title/topics that charted highest:

Teeth vs. Weight    35 views
Sales Cat                44 views
Zip Mini Sander    45 views
The Last Straw    50 views
The Cheeze Box        46 views
The Big Finish        67 views
Smoke Detector    43 views
The SCHLEP Debacle    58 views
Wood Filler        50 views
Simplest Tripod    78 views
Rocket Attire    126 views
Paint Nozzles            152 views
Plastic Chutes    138 views.... 4 comments, making it the highest commented blog entry so far.

And finally, in absolute top place...

Glassine Tubes, with 229 views!

Who would have thought that a rant against glassine coated body tubes would garner so many views.
Again, I have to guess that it's a matter of it coming up every time someone follows the link to the blog, or it's the top entry on a google search.

What say you?   Do you think another topic deserves more views?  Why not click on one and drive the count up?

This has been The Thrifty Rocketeer saying, thanks for watching.


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