Zip Mini Sander

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

Someone suggested this in another listing, and since it was available at Walmart, I thought I'd try it out.

We're snowbound this weekend, and just as they lifted the snow emergency, I made a run for a few supplies. I had also checked this out on and found a larger one for a little more that could be ordered in, but then I found this on the shelf for under $5.50

It's basically just a mini hand sander with changeable grit sanding strips that adhere via Velcro.

The small yellow mini sander has indents for your fingers to nestle, and a strip of black Velcro on the bottom.  This package, which sold for just $5.13 included four tear-off strips that fit the bottom, in 80, 120 and 220 grit.  They are color coded as well. 

Oddly enough, though each level of grit is printed on the back, under the soft Velcro layer and easily readable, the printing runs horizontally, not vertically across the strips.  This means ONE of the four strips has the numerical value printed upon it, but the other three strips do not. This seems very short sighted to me, but it's not a problem.

I haven't used them yet, but I can see its value, either as a jump kit add-on, or when you just need to sand a little and get a burr off that balsa fin.  I intend to use it on my next project.

I still swear by the Great Planes EZ-Touch hand sander, as the handle and straight edge make a perfect tube marking straight edge, but this is a cute and handy addition to the toolbox.

One minute complaint:  Given the slight weight of the yellow foam hand piece, I don't think there's $5 worth of materials in this package... but who cares.  I wanted it, it's small, light, and will do the task.

This has been the Thrifty Rocketeer with another tool discovery to share.

If you have favorite tools, please respond and share them with us all.


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