Deuces Wild

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

While watching the news, I am struck by a coincidence of timing.

Recently, I got a Deuces Wild kit from Flis Kits.  And upon finishing the rocket, I decided to be creative and tr a bizarre, modern pain job of slashes of color.

I started with a basic gloss while body tube, and then masked a slash or arrow of  exposed white base coat.  That's when I broke out the robin egg blue semi-gloss and painted over that exposed slash.  Once that had dried, I removed the masking tape, and again re-masked the bottom portion of the body tube, leaving most of the rocket exposed.  For this, I choose a bright gloss yellow and coated most of the rest of the rocket.

The resulting mis-mash of slashes and arrows, came out robin egg blue on the top half, and bright loss yellow on the bottom half.

This week, I'm seeing all kinds of flags, backgrounds, logos, memes and other designs mimicking the Ukrainian flag.

What are the odds?

I painted my rocket months before this thing began.

And now, I'm proud to fly it at our first club launch this year.

This has been the Thrifty Rocketeer, asking, has anyone made the obvious nylon parachute from these colors yet?


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