Cutting Time

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

One of the issues that pops up after a person starts to build more than a rocket or two, is where to build it?  The dining room table or the kitchen counter usually is not appreciated by others in the household, who can't stand seeing cardboard tubes glued together drying while the rocketeer is off doing other things.

Also, women seem to have this inborn fear of their table being scarred for life by a razor blade.

So today's tip is very handing to solving this.

Women have a cutting matt which they used to measure, layout and cut pieces of cloth for various sewing projects, and that works really well.

Rocketeers have taken to this mat, and some even claim that the mat is "self healing" in that it will close and reseal any errant slices that may occur over time.

Recently a fellow rocketeer has pointed out that the mini version of this mat has come up for sale for just a buck at a Dollar Tree store. (This is a store that generally offers anything and everything in their store for a package price of a dollar per item.)

So, if you don't mind working on a 7" x 9" mat, you can score one of these for a buck.

At that price, you can probably pick up a half dozen and pass them out to your rocketry friends.

Another thought is to pick up six and position them in a rectangle on your table to form a cutting surface.

This has been the Thrifty Rocketeer saying, don't scar that table top, or you'll never hear the end of it!


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