The Deadly Duo

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

I want you to look at this picture and see if you can tell me what's wrong with it.

Now first of all, ignore the fact that the bat symbol is upside down.  And you can ignore the tattered remnants of a red leather tassel.

The obvious remainder are two tools that every high power rocketeer will want in their arsenal. a straight blade screw driver and a Philips head bit.

Now, there's nothing wrong with having these in your jump box, field kit, or whatever you call your tackle box of supplies.

It's when you place them (and the heavy bat symbol as well) onto your keyring, you're inviting disaster.
The reason is because they're dead weight.  When inserted into your ignition, the key presses up against the lock and tumbler mechanism, and with every bounce on the road, they press against and wear on both the key and the lock.

Usually, when the ignition/starter lock on a car fails, it's because the owner has a huge ring of keys, which bounce and jounce and wear out the ignition.

So it's a BAD idea to start collecting these weighty things on your keyring.  Keep your key ring as light as you can, and save yourself an expensive repair plus towing from when your ignition fails.

This has been the Thrifty Rocketeer with a safety tip for you today.


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