Viking Bulk Pack Jam

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...


I don't know if you've seen it, but there's a posting on Facebook that has introduced another challenge for Rocketeers that are tempted.

 Recently, Hobby Lobby has put a lot of their rockets on reduced price, including a 12-rocket bulk pack.   It's dropped from $29.99 down to $11.99 or roughly 40% of value.

001949 - Viking™ - Estes Rockets

 Now, I'm not familiar with the Viking, but I understand that it's a simple build and this bulk pack is appropriate for cub scouts, school class, or similar first-rocket experience where everyone builds their own rocket, but then decorates it to taste.  The experience is usually capped off by a launch in the school yard or something similar.

Estes Viking Model Rocket Bulk Pack Kits (12) Skill Level 1 by Estes 1755 -  Eugene Toy & Hobby

But in this instance, an experienced rocketeer has suggested that those who can find a bulk pack answer the question... "What could you design and build that utilizes ALL tubes and parts from ALL 12 bulk packs AT ONCE?"

Estes Viking Flying Model Rocket Bulk Pack - -

The idea is that you build and design your own kit jam, and then launch it successfully.  In this way, not only do we score a very cheap rocket, but we also help HL sell through their kits and encourage sell through and restocking.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

First, I've never owned a bulk pack before, and I'm thinking that this challenge somewhat defeats the point of having them available to kids, schools or leaders.  Not that by passing them up, we could encourage schools to buy them instead.

But it seems to me that the more we take the entry level rockets for ourselves, the more we might prevent another rocketeer from getting their first taste of the hobby.  And that bothers me.

I went to my local HL and looked, fully expecting there to be NO reduced prices, but I found ONE Goblin marked down, and ONE VIKING BULK PACK available.  With some trepidation, I bought the Bulk Pack.Estes Viking Model Rocket Kit, 12pk

Now, I'm thinking that I'll save it for Yuri's Night, if held, and help kids build their first rocket. But I'm also thinking of holding back six of them and trying my hand at a tube-fin cluster rocket.

I don't know any other design that makes sense, do you?




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