Make your Own Parachutes

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

You know, not so long ago I posted about my attempts to re-purpose used umbrella skins as parachutes.No photo description available.

I got a response from someone who said they had just successfully stitched their own chute from scratch, and I applauded them.  I suggested that they make a "How-To" thread, explaining to the rest of us how to do it.No photo description available.

Their response was that there has already been such an article, and he posted the link to it.  It turns out that it's part of the Apogee website archives.

Believing in giving credit where it is due, I'm sharing that link here, so that you may go to the original site and learn from the Master.

Perhaps I will try this at a later date. Lord knows, I have enough umbrella skins by this point that I could probably make several myself, if you didn't mind the color clashing.

Don't forget to save your old umbrellas, even if they no longer work, or you find them along the wayside... No photo description available.


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