How to slot a body tube

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues....

Have I ever mentioned how hard it is, coming up with new topics all the time?

Well it is.   I usually just let my mind wander, and it's a combination of what strikes my fancy and what I happen upon in discussions with other rocketeers, or on zoom meetings with them.

Speaking of which, here's something that I stumbled upon on Facebook, when the author/host posted a couple of his training videos.

Now, training videos on Youtube aren't anything new, since you can find something advising you how to proceed on anything from replacing an oven heating element, to tearing up your bathroom floor, to re plumbing the kitchen sink, to opening up your car door to replace a defective switch. I've even found them on conducting Foxhunts and Ham Radio techniques.

But this time, it deals with rocketry stuff.

There's a guy who has started a series of at least six videos on related rocketry tips and techniques. He posts under the umbrella title of the Inverted Pursuits Laboratory - IPL.  Besides being a clever name, he appears to be just an average Joe, with  just a relaxed but friendly style.   

So, let me share one of these videos with  you, and see what you think.

Rocket Building Tip - Fin Slots


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