Clean Up Time

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues....

I'm borrowing this topic and suggestion from another social media arena, because I thought it was a good tip, and worthy of repeating.

Some rocketeers sit at the dinning room table between meals and finish their sanding, gluing and finishing.

Others have a man-cave or a private work bench, and a few even have a rocket room where they do this work.

No matter where you do your work, you produce dust... and it drives our other family members crazy.

You have to clean up.  It's not enough to just vacuum or sweep up the dust.  You have to wipe down.

Now me, I use a damp sponge and just kind of sweep off the table or do a quick pass over the body tube and fins before painting.  (Another strategy:  Just before the home heating season begins, I change the furnace filter out for a higher value screen/filter... 1900 Filtreet if memory serves.)

But one rocketeer shared that he wipes down with a bleach towel for clean up.

Specifically, he recommends the Chlorox Triple Action Dust Wipes in the 20 pack with bright red packaging. He says they work great on balsa and filler dust all over the place.

But I'd like to know what you do.

Any suggestions?


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