Streaming Yellow Zonkers!

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues...

Here's a really short tip for those of us low power guys: 

So, one of your favorite kit  builds contains an old school crepe paper streamer. The theory is that the ruffles and crinkles in the paper surface will create more turbulence and slow the descent of the rocket through drag.

The problem is that the crepe paper is fragile and rips easily.  So what to do if your little roll of flame-proofed paper should shred or float away on the breeze?

Most rocketeers will try to replace the streamer with something a little bit more substantial... like surveyor's ribbon or tape.  This comes in many different colors of the rainbow, but you can usually pick up a roll of the thin plastic tape in florescent orange at your local hardware store for under 2 for $5.  If you shop carefully, maybe under a buck!

You can run roll 1 to 2 feet, tightly roll it up around a pencil or tight like a home-made cigarette, and attach it to the shock-cord or nose cone and be back to flying in a matter of minutes.

And that's today's tip from the Thrifty Rocketeer...


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