Timing the Thrifty Rocketeer

You may have noticed that the Thrifty Rocketeer blog is now coming out once a week.  This isn't by accident.  Well, maybe it is...but bear with me here...

When I started this blog, it was in response to a challenge by The Rocket N00b, who was trying to encourage everyone to start a blog and flood the internet back in November with Rocketry bogs.

I guess I misunderstood him, as I wasn't clear if he was asking for a daily blog, or something more periodic.

So, after a bit of time (like almost the whole month slipping by)  I decided to launch in with a build thread around Thanksgiving.  I had time on my hands and I thought that I might give it a whirl.

My writing ability and touch typing got the better of me, and it was easier to start than I thought.

I also was under the impression that people would be eager for each new installment of the blog build thread.  But I was wrong on a couple of points.

First, you don't want to flood your readers with updates too often.  Not everyone reads or searches the internet every day.  And so, when they find the installments, they find them.  And they'll read them on their own time.

So, I got some feedback that I was churning out entries too fast and blowing up people's inboxes or blog catchers, or whatever you want to call them.

So, I decided to slow down  a bit.  And I learned how to schedule release, so that they could be done in advance, and then drop occasionally.  Unfortunately, this also kills the spontaneity and it becomes harder to react to things you find on the internet, when you're scheduled several days out in advance.  What to bump or slide, or how to rank the importance of each episode?

So, as I reached the ending of the first month, with some 30 entries in place, it occurred to me that this wasn't a MONTH of DAILY blog entries, but an entry a week would stretch this out to over a half a year, had I done it right.  Could I hold the interest of my readers that long?  Or should build threads come out more frequently to maintain interest?

I still don't know, but I welcome your input.  Please write to me and let me know what you prefer.

In the meantime, I have slowed to about once a week as we start the third month of entries...one at a time.


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