"Excuse me, May I borrow your butter?"

The Thrifty Rocketeer continues...

We'll return to our construction of the Bunny Rabbit "Goonie" (Thank you,Peter Alway!) in a few moments, I assure you...  

But first, a follow-up to the suggestions of what best to mix epoxy in.

I had nominated the paper cup, with low lip and able to fold flat. Available for free from Captain D's...

But someone else has pointed out that certain jam or butter individual serving containers from various restaurants may be almost as good.

Here's one.
Not sure where this came from, but it's clearly got a little depth and had a paper cover sealing in the contents at one time.  I know it's been used to mix acrylic paint for a paint by numbers set, wood glue for use as sealant slurry, but not for epoxy yet, cause I'm sure I couldn't get all the epoxy out again, even if I used a Popsicle stick to mix and scoop it out.

The outside is shiny silver, opposed to the dull gray insides. And there's to number stamped into the bottom.  The bottom two digit number reads "08" which I imagine is the line or machine number.  The six digit number above reads "833811" which is either a product code or the date of manufacture?  Possible the serial number as it came off the line.

Anyone know what kind of a jelly sampler this might be?  Post below and we'll share it together.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled build thread already in progress...


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