The $5 Rocket challenge
The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... Have you'all heard about a new video challenge that's sweeping the hobby? It seems like a natural for the Thrifty Rocketeer to jump on. But let's talk about this a little. The video was shared on Facebook but is posted on YouTube as the 5-Dollar Rocket Challenge. The basic idea is that you and your friends each put up five dollars and make a run to the nearest dollar store. You're building a rocket from scratch, using only the cheap supplies that you can find at the Dollar Store. You each can buy anything you like, but the total must be under five dollars. Now, there are no restrictions on how many fins, launch lugs, recovery system or tubes are involved. A pre-package of Estes Motors (C's or D's) is provided along with a working rocket pad and launch controller. Various glues are provided, but the catch is you must build and complete within one hour. In a sense, this is a party game among equally matched rocket fri...