
Showing posts from October, 2020

Edmund Aerospace Legacy

 The Thrifty Rocketeer blog continues... About five years or so ago, a short while after I got into this hobby, I saw a person fly a glider at a club launch, and was immediately interested to look into it more. An internet search turned up a forum that suggested that I look at Edmund but to do so quickly, because they were selling down their supplies.  I was immediately intrigued, as decades ago I had an Edmund Scientific telescope (and still have it today) and I thought I recognized the name. When I got on their website, it became obvious that most of their models were named with double letters or plays on alphabet letters... but many of them were either sold out or had reduced supplies.   So I knew that I would have to order a couple for my first order if ever I wanted to see them. I ordered the Ci-Ci and the  Deltie.  When they arrived promptly, I set to assembling them quickly and discovered a few things: The kits were simple, be...